Alles wieder im grünen Bereich

Since i only get a very few mails complaining about a virus or trojan in the selfinstalling version of the xp-AntiSpy, so i assume nearly all of you seem to have the latest updates for your virus scanner.
So this problem should be out of the way and i can get back to my usual passion, which is coding 😉
So, c’ya at the next update of the xp-AntiSpy.
Greetings, -chris- 

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xp-AntiSpy 3.96-1

The Windows Update from yesterday also updated the file tcpip.sys. That’s why the xp-AntiSpy 3.96-1 didn’t detect it. This is fixed with the 3.96-1.
Also i changed the version of NSIS i use to create the setup program. I hope this will end all the false positives some virus scanning software detects.
Greetings, -chris-

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